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Week of Oct 07

Learning Objectives for the week

Ctenophores as a new phylum to consider

Concentration as a mass ratio.

Percent mass of compounds

New Assignments this week:

percent mass with bbq oysters_fall24. Students followed along with Clark’s discussion. Homework is to go back and write the sentences which explain each step in the process.

Earlier in the semester we discussed various phyla and this week students were introduced to a new phyla, Ctenophora.. This weeks news item prompted the discussion, that these creatures can merge the bodies and nervous systems into one.

Also discussed, was how we discuss concentration; Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, salt in the ocean, etc. and worked with the definition of a mass ratio into common terms like ppm (i.e., CO2 levels are now above 430 ppm).

Towards the end of the week, we discussed both percent mass (i.e., how much Carbon is in Carbon Dioxide?) and the pH scale, which is a measure of how many Hydrogen ions are dissolved into water (along with the oceans changing pH due to to much CO2 in the atmosphere). 

Ocean Heat fueling Hurricane Milton 

Week of October 14

Learning Objectives for the week

Mass extinctions results in new Geologic Periods and Eras. 

How carbon cycles in the short term vs how carbon cycles in the long term.

After discussing global warming due to continued, excessive Carbon emissions by humans, students read about past events in which mass extinctions occurred due to global warming. At present, we are headed towards another mass extinction event due to this round of global warming and the naming of a new period in Earth’s history tentatively called the Anthropocene.

A dinogorgon skull protrudes from a rock with the South African scrubland in the background.

Week of October 21

Learning objectives for the week. 

  • Heat as a form of energy and how to use the Heat Equation.
  • Review of Trophic Levels in ecosystems and how energy is lost as one moves ‘up’ through the food chain.

Week of October 28

Learning objectives for the week. 
